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Pet Health Insurance

It seems that Pet Health Insurance is getting a lot of attention in the press and on the internet these days. It is a simple, affordable solution for those who love their pets but are concerned about the financial hardship of high-quality pet care. Pet health insurance is peace of mind that protects you and your beloved pet from the inevitable and the unexpected. This type of insurance is still relatively new, and many pet owners are still unaware of their options.

Pet health insurance is designed to provide pet owners with coverage for unexpected illnesses or incidents resulting in expensive veterinary costs. While it may seem like something that only movie stars get for their Hollywood pets, it is becoming more mainstream and is being offered for very reasonable prices. So wherever you happen to live in the United States, insurance is really important, especially if you happen to have more than one pet.

It is particularly of use in an emergency, such as when a pet is involved in a road traffic accident and needs surgery. X-rays and operations can soon add up to well over thousands of dollars, meaning that this insurance is necessary to prevent having to payout such large sums if and when such an accident occurs. There are many benefits of having it for your dog or your cat and this is why this is becoming increasingly popular in this day and age.


Coverage and cost vary, so it’s important to thoroughly research the options if you decide to insure your pet. Coverage usually starts at eight weeks, but some plans won’t cover pets over a certain age (usually between six and 10 years old, depending on the breed, type of animal and other factors). Coverage options range from catastrophic accident coverage to comprehensive illness coverage.

Pet health policies are similar to human insurance policies; annual premiums, deductibles, and different coverage plans based on what the owner chooses. When you purchase pet health insurance, it acts much like those plans meant for us in that the coverage usually starts right away but there may be a waiting period before the benefits kick in.

As for pre-existing conditions, some companies will allow coverage if the animal is stable or controlled (usually after a waiting period of 3 to 12 months), other companies will refuse animals with current conditions or terminal disease. Some policies (but not all) cover some preventative care, such as vaccinations, but there may be additional cost for this coverage. It’s important to review your policy terms and conditions to ensure you have the right coverage for your pet.

When choosing pet insurance coverage, first consider what kind of insurance customer you are. Do you prefer all-inclusive coverage that pays for everything from routine checkups and vaccinations to accidents and chronic illnesses, or are you comfortable with a lesser degree of coverage that just kicks in during emergencies. You can usually decide what kind and how much coverage to provide for your pet. So getting yours is not really all that insane, and in the long run it could save you a great deal of money.

The cheapest way to take out pet health insurance is online; by going with a specialist insurer they can shop around on your behalf and get you the cheapest premiums with the best deals. If you are planning to have a pet for the rest for your life, then getting it is indeed a very wise decision.

With the increasing cost of veterinary care, pet health insurance is an absolute must for any pet owner today. As the cost of veterinary care continues to increase, it is quickly gaining popularity in the US. All in all though, it depends on you, and your pet(s), whether or not pet health insurance is the right choice.

John Foley has written many articles about pets and their well being. If your looking for more information about this topic.

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